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深圳益田威斯汀酒店携手She’s茜子 下午茶创意沙龙

时间:2023/5/22 12:56:27



威斯汀扒房主厨Sam Wu和饼房行政总厨Jo Yang联袂合作,以精湛厨艺及创意巧思汲取埃菲尔铁塔为创作灵感,倾力打造法式浪漫主题下午茶,为本次活动甜蜜助力。在品鉴主题下午茶的惬意中,Shes茜子手工老师传递了“匠心造物,感知配饰里的温度”的设计初衷,将对美好的追求与浪漫生活的理念分享给深圳妈妈们。然后带领妈妈们制作象征热情、坚韧和勇敢的勒杜鹃胸针,体验手工制作的乐趣,串制一份专属于母亲的温暖。



The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan Joins Hands with She’s

for Handmade Salon with New Afternoon Tea Launch

Shenzhen, China - May 13, 2023 – In the name of love, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan, in collaboration with She’s, an original accessory designer brand, successfully held a creative handmade salon on the 25th floor of Grange Grill. All mothers had an exquisite afternoon tea time with Westin during Mothers Day.

The romantic afternoon tea is jointly prepared by Chef Sam Wu, Executive Chef of Grange Grill, and Jo Yang, Executive Pastry Chef, inspired by the iconic Eiffel Tower in Window of the World, a famous theme park across the road. During the salon, the teacher from She’s shared the original design concept to mothers, and the pursuit of beauty and the philosophy of a romantic life. Under the guidance of teach, the mothers experienced the joy of handcrafts and created their own rhododendron brooches, symbolizing enthusiasm, tenacity, and bravery.

Bathing the sunshine, gather friends and beloveds to indulge in a French romantic-themed afternoon tea. Delight in the harmonious blend of sweet and savory flavors while basking in the leisurely and cozy atmosphere, savoring the exquisite and delectable moments that belong to The Grange Grill.

For further details or reservations, please contact 0755-26988888.